Astrological Predictions Of France Germany UK 2023 2024, Horoscope Analysis on Future of Europe

Vedic Astrology Predictions for France, Germany, UK, Spain, Italy in the year 2023 2024. Predictions about future of Europe and EU.

Vedic Astrology Predictions for France, Germany, UK, Spain, Italy in the year 2023 2024. Predictions about future of Europe and EU.

Water scarcity, food crises, poverty will increase in Europe, Britain and many EU countries with falling incomes, inflation and poor growth in economies.

France, UK, Germany will witness Islamic Terrorism, violent attacks from refugees from Arab countries and protests from Islamists.

Germany will suffer due to wrong policies of alignment with USA and its companies working in china will face its technologies stolen by Chinese.

People of Italy will come on streets against Govt mis-governance, inflation, food prices.

Temperatures of European countries will rise with more heat and floods devastating the cities.

Economy of England will struggle and people will continue to suffer from economic downturn.

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