By Shri
Rohit Anand at Divyatttava, New Delhi, India. ( India's Best Astrologers)
Planet Venus or shukra graha is the karka of Wife, love, marital and sexual life of a individual. It represents beauty, music, luxuries, food, romance, name, fame dance, films, actors, cosmetics etc. It rules two zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra. this planet get exalted in Pisces and Debilitated in Virgo. As a professional astrologer i have seen the following effects of planet Venus in various zodiac signs in horoscopes which i am writing here.
1st house : Person becomes beautiful, attractive and charming, long lived, loved by wife, fond of
looking good, ornaments, good dresses. Liked by women, surrounded by women, exalted
venus confers all sorts of luxuries, wealthy, spends in enjoyments,
confers very fine taste, can give rise to ‘Malvaya’ panchmahapurusa in
Taurus & Libra. Weak venus bereft native from wealth and enjoyment.
2nd house : When Venus is in 2nd house in horoscope one is born in a wealthy family, Supportive family, gets and good
food, never be in hunger situation, earn enormous wealth in Taurus and
Libra, in case of female- extremely beautiful eyes, attractive face,
however weak venus can cause eye diseases, tendency to accumulate Gems
and Jewellery, selfish on monetary issues, eloquent and sweet voice.
3rd house : When Venus is placed in 3 rd house one is tolerant, miser, fortunate to have siblings, more sisters
than brothers, lacking in efforts, creative skills, hobby to play
musical instruments, can excel in films and creative arts if 10th lord
also gets associated, Singer and writer, lacks courage, lazy. Gets
wealthy wife.
4th House: In horoscope if Venus is in 4th house it attains Digbala in 4th house,
excellent for domestic and mental peace, excellent decoration in House,
early gain of own house, however if venus is 12th lord, one gets settled
in Foreign Country, long lived and beautiful mother, Early gain of
conveyances, one may get wife within family lineage, keeps costly items
in House, rahu association with venus corrupt the mind- one may resort
to corruption for luxuries. Gain through restaurant and Hotel.
5th house: Always likes to be in company of young women, numerous love
affairs, strong indication for Love marriage. Highly creative, gets
success in acting and film industry, blesses with early child, first
child female, rise in father’s fortune after native’s birth, honoured by
Government, adviser to Government, weak venus causes failure in
6th house : wealthy relatives especially maternal
side, beware of women as they can damage reputation, urine infection
and sexual transmitted diseases, issue with sperm potency, lacks the
energy to fight against diseases, unafflicted Venus blesses with sound
health, spends money to win over enemies. Not good for marital
relationships, wife may be associated with Courts.
7th House:
Passionate married life, conjunction with mars and mercury add more
spice, excellent for business and partnerships, one may gain through
business of female products, furniture, gems, jewelleries, beautiful and
charming wife, spendthrift wife, fond of kissing, Venus alone is best,
Venus and mercury conjunction – two relationships, In female chart- it
gives charming and spendthrift husband, Venus + sun- ego clash.
8th House: Long lived, gains sudden wealth through wife, wife may belong
to wealthy family, earn through legacy, women can cause loss to the
reputation, obedient wife, gets indulged into excess pleasure, secret
relationships, name and fame after death, learns secretive mantras to
live strong and healthy.
9th house: Religious and visits
pilgrimages regularly, fear of GOD and Supreme, born traveller,
Travelling is like an enjoyment, wealthy father, you can have lady boss
or Female Guru, devoted to meditation, perform religious rites,
extremely wealthy if venus is also lord of 2nd or 11th house, weak venus
develop relationship with elder women, fortunate in every sense.
10th House: excellent position for wealth and career, may work in
white-collar job, surrounded by women at work place, Well- furnished
Office, full of glory, work in film, hotel, restaurant, spa, beauty
parlour or interior designer, do charity work, build temples and places
of public utility.
11th house: wealthy friends, more female
friends, Elder sibling – sister and one have good relation with her,
learned, very wealthy, enjoys all comforts of conveyances, gain through
rightful means, however malefic association leads to earn through
unlawful activities, Gain through wife/ girl friend.
12th house:
this Venus is Mokshakaraka, native earns lot of wealth, spends money
recklessly, suffers in relationships, urine infection, may be associated
with women hospitals, malefic association-sexual indulgence, all
comforts of bed, rich, may be deceived by women.
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